Monthly Talk – October

Islamic Feminist Hermeneutics – Methodological Reflections in Relation to Christian and Jewish Feminist Theology

Luennoitsija: Mulki Al-Sharmani
Paikka: Aikala, Historicum 2. krs, Kaivokatu 12, Turku
Aika: Klo 14–16

Lokakuun esitelmässä Helsingin yliopiston teologisen tiedekunnan islamilaisen teologian yliopistonlehtori, FT Mulki Al-Sharmani avaa islamilaista feminismiä tieteenalana ja sen hermeneuttista islamilaisen teologian tulkintaperinnettä. Samalla Al-Sharmani pohtii yhtäältä islamilaisen ja toisaalta juutalaisen ja kristillisen feministisen teologian metodologisia yhtymäkohtia ja eroavaisuuksia. Esitelmä on englanninkielinen.

Mulki Al-Shamani introduces the audience to contemporary scholarship produced by Muslim women scholars who undertake hermeneutical studies of the Qur’an and Islamic interpretive tradition such as the Quranic exegetical corpus, the Prophetic tradition, and Islamic jurisprudence.  This scholarship often termed as Islamic feminism, engages critically with the religious textual tradition to unpack and question patriarchal interpretations and rulings from a gender-sensitive perspective that is primarily informed by faith-based ethics. This presentation examines the interpretive approaches as well as hermeneutical challenges of this scholarship, situating it in the larger literature of feminist theology in the Abrahamic tradition. In particular, Al-Sharmani reflects on the hermeneutical convergences and divergences between Islamic feminist theology on the one hand, and Jewish and Christian feminist theology on the other hand.



Otsikkokuva: By ~crystalina~ (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons